Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Reading 5 Tips for Success

Reading and writing go hand in hand. The better you understand a test, there more likely you are to successfully communicate your thoughts about it in writing. So its important to develop strong skills in both area. With that in mind, here’s how to improve your reading comprehension.

Tip 1: Annotate

Be an active reader. Instead of passively reading a text, take notes about important story elements, key factual information and significant ideas in the text.

Tip 2: Note the Author’s Writing Style

Every author write w/ a purpose, using deliberate methods to successfully relates specific information to the audience. When you’re reading, look for patterns in the author’s writing. For example, you may notice a repetition of key words, phrases or symbols- or the use of a distinct type of sentence structure. Authors employ these writing strategies to help readers comprehend a central argument or theme, so be sure to explore how these techniques create meaning.

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